onsdag 8. september 2010

On The Roll #1

I'm only nearly failing this blog, Lovelies,

not entirely.
Most of this post is bull, but it's funny bull, so read on. you know you want to

Because I've spent all my money on what-nots, I won't be able to tell you all about the lovely movie releases on the big screens down town, but I can still keep reminding you of older, yet great titles.
Oh, don't I feel important? :D

Now's not the time for a movie review! Duh.
No. Now, the time has come for something far greater: On The Roll-show!
No, just On The Roll sounds better- I'm getting, if possible, even more stuck up here, I think.
What it is? Pssh. You know want to know.
Really, It's a fancy name for some not always as afncy updates regarding my life on our Earth.
On the Roll. This is. How. I. Roll.

Okay, here goes- a tad more seriously, if you can believe that, hehe.
Today, my friend leaves to England, she's going to school there the next year. She's a year older than me, and I'll do the same thing next year. I'll get into IB in the south of England. I just have to get good enough grades and consult and bla bla bla. Nerves!! I know some people who've taken the exchange year in the USA, and some who're staying in France for all three years. The possibilities that lay in my hands! AH!
Again, nerves!

And, if you have the slightest interest for the state of our planet's environment, I suggest you check out this movie, called 'Home': DO IT!
Did they launch it in the theatres? No! Did they make for the money? I see no money.

... I feel mean now. Both for posting with no pictures, and for no movie review. I'll get you one later today, promise! :D


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