tirsdag 1. februar 2011

Me? Homeless? I'm way too fly.

This is only a little long, and I swear I try to be hip and funny in it too.
So. A LOT of times, in my head, i imagine myself doing so many awesome things, and being all good and superteenager. But then, when the opportunity is there, right in my face, I don't bring the images to life, like an artist should, #Explaining like an artist, yeeah. and I wonder why?
Whyy? For instance, every morning, as long as I take the subway, I pass a homeless one, someone with a burden I can't fathom, but help, a little. Easy as nothing. So why is it that I can't 'see it in my heart' to flip out my wallet, feel fly and good about myself, and hand the homeless
person some of the shit in it? Money=shit, because my spending them, makes their value shit. Candy is shit. Shiiit.
I couuld, for example, just keep a 20kr loose in my pocket and very discreetly drop it in the kiosk cup they're holding. Obviously, that'd be better than nothing, but what does it say about me? That I don't want to be seen talking to a homeless dude? That I expect strangers to think I'm not normal or prude, and that I care? I know it's usually not the money.
I have almost none, but when I have some coins, I won't mind giving them away to someone who needs them. Why do I, and probably a lot of other people feel a little shameful, being seen interacting with the most obvious outcasts? That's not who I want to be. I want to be all meaningful and special.
But on the other hand, I'm thinking that these are the people older than me. Should I, and the people my age take any responsibility for the previous generation? In theory, I'm convinced children are not at all to be adults' rocks to hold on to, to make up for their mistakes, or in any way be held responsible for their well-being.
However, in the society situation, it is inevitable that most of the troubles from earlier fall into the hands of the younger citizens and, you know, the whole children are the future-deal. We'll have to straighten up the not so cool stuff the adults leave behind. And someone who hasn't a place to sleep is really not so cool. But when dealing with some of the sort of unexpected responsibility is kind of sort of like just to toss away a coin, I shouldn't mind it too much, right?
And I'm not buying the they-might-be-drug-addicts excuse, because, truly. Drug addicts have a hard time too, no?
End of story, I'm a pretentious rich kid-er because of all you other pretentious rich kid-ers, and I'm not even sure we should be entitled to.
BESIDES. Who has cash anymore? Maybe them beggars should have those card thingies stores have. I CANNOT REMEMBER THE NAME, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME :(

... Gosh, this entry almost got serious.