torsdag 24. mars 2011

Have You Thrown Your TV Out Yet?

Hey Lovelies!

Apologies for no posts. Yes.
SO. I posted something on dA, first time in 2011. Ch'yeah I'm productive.. Aaand, I couldn't bother putting up the back side of the thing there, so I will here. Hehe, rhyme.
You like it? :)




onsdag 2. mars 2011

Khaos Komix

Just for those I haven't pushed this onto yet, THIS is one of my very favourite comics, and I think all of you should read it.. GO! :D
Full of queer people and sad stuff


.../Bygdøy :p

I'm kinda glad I live where I do. Photography is fun when there are interesting things to see.

Is it weird that I've always wanted to try to swim in ice cold water? It's so inviting, haha :D


Lators :]

No Name

--I was at SubScene last week, and saw a pretty neat band, but I can't find anywhere what their name was... :( -- But now I do, thanks to the great Skitz (her blog), they're Out Of Babylon, and here's their MySpace!

Feedback on photos? :)

tirsdag 1. mars 2011

Twice As Nice

Hello, Lovelies!
Down Karl Johan, Oslo's biggest shopping and parade street, they're making snow and ice sculptures in the occasion of the World Cup in skiing sports. And by the way, I just visited the official web page for the event, and it struck me how many grammar mistakes there were and how oddly it was written in English. Go Norway. Really, I keep seeing new proof of how not so very amazing the people in charge here are at representing us internationally. But on the other hand, I don't think we're so bad artistically. All of the sculptures have something to do with Munch! And I like this very much, I dig Much.

Tell me I'm not the only one thinking how cool all that rigging looks. This is where the prizes were handed out, and some entertainment happened, but I haven't seen any of it.

Fancy Hats :D
Doo I spot some screams?

Mosaic Madonna, Mosaic Madonna, Mosaic Madonna.. I'm sure it could be a song.
AAAH THE TEXT will not look like how I want it to. Not even sizing, nothing. AHH. Blogspot is dumb :(