søndag 10. januar 2010

aMy drawing is in the newspapermagazinething : D


Today is the day in which I'm handing in my drawing for a newspaper's week-end magazine. :) It's an illustration to some psy-something, YAY. My Aunt who works in the paper got m
e the job. Hail her! :)
Honest, I'm not sure I like it all that much, I feel I've done better and can do better, but hell, it turned our alright :)
I'll post it on dA later on.
I now have a scanner at hand.!! Hello, traditional-turned-into-digital art!
(my Deviantart; http://nivlliv123.deviantart.com/)

This week-end has felt like a vacation, it's gone really fast and really slowly at the same time.. know what I mean?
Oh well.

I'm going to the Canary Islands for winter vacation! :D Aren't I special?

Sugar Rush

It's a really great show, you should all see it if you haveeen't : D (unless you're homophobic, then you can just sod off >P)

Till tomorrow! <3

twitter; http://twitter.com/LordPeculiar

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