torsdag 5. august 2010

Not a Llama

Hey there, Lovelies <3

Tomorrow is my last day in London, ain't it sad?
Stereotypically enough, I've spent this day out shopping, at wh
at's supposed to be Europe's next megamall. Or something. It's true that it's big. I'm going back there tomorrow :B

Know what I've gotten myself in a day of only shopping?
That's it. 'Cept some sweets, but hell, I brush my teeth c:
I've been in England for twelve days, and I have bought naught save one piece of clothing. A hat from the salv
ation army. Good cause, no?
And I loved the British Science Museum- mostly it's bookshop, though.
Stereotypical still?

Some sheet I've bought. 'Cept for gifts, can't show them ;)

The solely amusing event of this trip has been the visit to my far f
amily's Alpaca farm.
Alpacas are seriously adorable, and no doubt intelligent. Aand, I've greatly missed the South-English countryside. :)
And I've been to Brighton! Gayest city I've ever been to! :D I'll prolly enjoy it even more if I return once I'm not underage. And with friends, not the closest female family. Mum, yes.

I hope everyone's enjoying their summer. it's worth trying. :)
And because without, the post would look dull- here are pictures--

Hullo there ;D Alpaca in the front is a pretty girl called Philly <3

This chick is in front of Buckingham Palace :F

Latorrss ;D

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