lørdag 9. oktober 2010

October 9th, 2010

Hello Hello, Lovelies!

Aplogies for no entries. No excuses, I've simply been a lazy bum.

So what did happen this day ? Hit me, Wikipedia!

Oh my, it's Uganda's independence day!
Woohoo! In 1962, they were commonwealth members no more. Congratulations, Ugandan people!

Uganda's flag :D
I feel just as sick as you do seeing the horrible picture quality, I cannot wait until I get my Canon 1000D
... The internet still has scary monsters, hence the shades. c:

I've had three presentations in school about the commonwealth of nations, one of them my oral english exam. I got top score, hihi.
So shoot! Q's about the commonwealth. Gimme, gimme! (:

I'm posting this a day late, because I hadn't my computer, but eh.

1 kommentar:

  1. Ok, so totally not related to this post. But haha! Picture makes me shmmmmile :D
