søndag 31. oktober 2010

Sweet Transvestite -

Heij, my lovely transvestites. (I know you all are)

You know what? I think the Glee cast does a great job performing songs. Although I admit to getting fired up about horrible covers by my taste, we all have our piece of cake. The originals are still there. It's not worth sweating. Besides, it tends even to direct attention towards the original! :)

And, as for a girl doing a male transvestite's song- I think that's brave too. Defies gender roles, that also.

This is the first time I'm introduced to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I'd love to see both the play and the movie. I've only recently gotten into musicals, and I adore them c:
Did you know that the RHPS has run longer in the movies than any other movie?


6 kommentarer:

    Ok. That's it. You're coming over to my house and we'll make a pile of all the movies you haven't seen (and should see- by my definition) and then we'll watch them all.

  2. I like your thinking :) And there's loads I'll show you as well :D
    OH MY. Let's have a musical night! That's not too fancy pants, is it? :D

  3. Nope nope musical nights are love :) Kind of had one with Vilde, Mimi and Øyøy this summer but he was all boy-y and bleh bleh that's too girly meh meh. Heh. But I LOVE musicals <3<3<3
    Mimi hadn't seen Moulin Rouge! O_O <3 And Vilde hadn't seen Across the Universe <3 Jim<3<3

  4. *caugh*
    I'ce seen all of those.. I swear.

  5. you haven't seen moulin rouge or across the universe? O_O

    Heh. I'm actually kind of excited about that. I love watching movies I love with people who haven't seen them before :D
