mandag 3. januar 2011

Project 365

Okay, Lovelies.

Last year I saw someone (that someone being Gutterface at Deviantart), doing the Project 365, and I was like: That is like totally cool and artistic and you know.. that! But. You know. Mid-year. You're supposed to start first of Jan. And then I saw it again today, and hey! Today is only the third, so I'll start today!
What it is? //Need structure and continuinity in blog posts. // Cannot spell continuini... bleh.
IT IIIS ME! (and YOU hopefully) taking a picture every single day for a year.This will make you a little aware of what you did every day for an entire year, which I'm convinced will give me insight and all that. AND! Just like drawing a little every day (which I don't do anymore because I'm stupid), it will improve my skiiiiills :D

Here's more info (<-- That's a link..)

Ok, so. I didn't take any the first if January because I had a heavy fever. That's right. No fireworks for me. Well. I'm kind of scared of them anyway.
But! I did take some the last day of December, so that'll be my back-up c:

Urrrhh, there were loads of things I wanted to take pictures of in that park, but I just didn't... :/

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