onsdag 26. januar 2011

Uhhmm that project

Lovely yous.
Hehehe. Yes. Continuisisisisssssstitiy is not my thing yet. Spelling neither, apparently.
With project 365, I will keep taking photos every day, but I might not post every single one, but that means I might also post more on a single day.
So you know. Back to normal, unresponsability'd, just with a promise of more picture posting.
Lalala I just spent four hours on a stupid analalaysisisises. And as a HEY I'LL TRY TO STAY BACKonmysillyegoblog, I present you Crême Bruléeeèe! (French spelling is even stupid-er, I don't know how I've done almost four years and not failing)
Okay, I lie. I'm a grammar nassi hypocrite, really.

Does it not look heavenly? It was. Very.

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