mandag 4. januar 2010

First Blog, Yay :D

(: Hey People :)

With enough peruading from friends, I've started a blog-yahyah!
Watch out, it's gonna be RAD xD

... right.

Well, I'm a cheerful girl, hope y'all dare to say hi :)
I'm watching futurama :D
I'll be answering all kinds of stuff you ask me, just comment loads of questions! Spam me ;)

Till next time, when I'll actually start,

1 kommentar:

  1. Hey Aeryn ^^
    First comment, YAY!!
    I am thinking of updating my blog too, so WATCH OUT ;D Well, WE CAN BE BLOG BUDDIES!! YAY!!
    Haha, just kidding.
    So, I have a question for you....
    "What is the color of your undies" :D
    That should do for now ^^ See ya ;D
    - Skitz <33
