mandag 9. august 2010

Movie Geek


I. Love. Movies. I love them, I absorb them, I can't wait for the ones to come, and I can't wait to make some. To write/direct/develop/whatever movies is one of my dreams.
Did you know that one of the space objects in The Empire Strikes Back was a potato? Yeyah!

I'm headed out to see Inception in just a few hours, I hope it's as good as people have preached.
Speaking of good movies, I saw Precious yesterday, and I was left feeling depressed the rest of the day. Brilliant film, I absolutely recommend it :D
I also command you to watch Requiem For A Dream. Beautiful, creative and stays with you. Soundtrack.
I've got to run, I'm late as always,
Latorrs ;D

2 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg skal se den, jeg skal se den!

    ...Når den kommer ut på dvd (siden alle vennene mine allerede har sett den) XD
