torsdag 12. august 2010

Babysitting WHO?

Hey Loveliiies <3

I'm stuck in the 30 day drawing challenge - at day seven. >:,(
I'm supposed to draw from my favorite movie, but I CANNOT CHOSE. Life is so hard ;_; heheh. There are so many brilliant fims! *faint*

Kick Ass (I REALLY want his costume!)

Tooodaaayy.... I met up with a friend who knows everyone we see at this one spot. No, really. So I met new people, I even kind of got hit on, hee hee.

And I have revealed to the nerdiest, but great and kind, mind you!, people I know, that I own no knowledge within card games. Card games like Magik and such. NO IDEA. I've known people who play for years, and I've been quite a geek for even longer, but the games.. I'm clueless. There, I'm out. I've never even touched WoW.

Nevertheless, I love LotR, I absorbed the basis of my english through the Harry Potter books, and I adore Star Wars. I go to conventions. So there. c:

Speaking of which! This Saturday I'm attending AiCon, a smaller kind of Con, mainly focusing on gay and lesbian comics. (Most of all japanese manga.) I have no costume this time, I just cannot be bothered, and my wallet's tight.
I have some fancy clothing, however.

Tomorrow I'm babysitting a friend, haha! She is in fact, a friend of a friend, and I only met her today for the first time. But she is awesome 8D
She's Swedish, and visiting my friend here in Norway, but as it happens, my friend's going to a funeral, and it'd be boring for a Swede all alone here.

That's almost typed offensively, because it is an old Norwegian tradition to treat Swedes like idiots. Heh.
That's what you get for taking over our country for generations! >O
The viking kings of Scandinavia have actually been chopping each other's heads off since anyone can date. So really; no hard feelings truly.

If you're into Scandinavian history and relations or if you simply want a great laugh- check out Humon's comics at DeviantArt!! It is absolutely worth it :D

Vacation is almost over D:


2 kommentarer:

  1. Kick ass just kicks ass XD haha!

    Og kos deg på Aicon! Maek me proud in ther! (<-- hva nå enn det skal bety) så får jeg nøye meg med å se på alle bildene som blir lagt ut på Japani etter på!

    *Går å spiller WoW*

  2. YEYAH! 8D
    I'll make sure to take lots of pictures :))))
