lørdag 21. august 2010


Didn't see you behind all that life, lovelies... c:

I haven't posted for more than a week, and I really want to keep this blog up..
I'll fill you in with excuses, so read on if you're interested.

I've been to AiCon, a small anime+ convention themed yaoi & yuri.
(Gay and lesbian manga&anime. Actually, the terms are supposedly referring only to the porn genres, but they're overkilled and is sadly used even to define someone's sexuality. I don't like language being 'abused', and especially not to the point where the meaning of words and phrases are undefined, but hell, that is, I suppose, how language developes.)
It was a lot of fun; must've been the best con I've experienced, not that I've been to that many, hehe. I've met some really entertaining people, and gotten closer to some I already know, and that's great 8D hooray!
I dressed up in everything I could find that had the Union Jack on, which is quite a lot, haha!
... And my precious bowler hat :)

London souvenir shops, yay!

The crew form AiCon made a Twilight parody video! It is HILARIOUS- if you understand Norwegian. You might as well watch it even if you don't :p

I have also been to camp for five days! :D
I'm a minileader for the 14/15 year-olds who're getting confirmed this fall.
Now, as to religion, I'm NOWHERE CLOSE to being certain.. about anything. I'd love to write about it all, but not now. I'll just have an excuse for something to blog about later c:
Being there was a lot of fun, as these kids were being a lot nicer than the last year (my year, haha). The crew's full of great people, and I met some really interesting personalities :)
Aaaaand there was a drumset there because of the band! :D I hadn't realised how much I missed playing drums until I got on it then. I played for a few months, around three months ago, and I LOVED it. I hope there's room for me next semester's course :D

I'm a beginner, but I LOVE playing already :)

Did I mention I saw 6 movies in four days?
MovieReviewBlogs will be up soon ;D


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