søndag 22. august 2010

Patrik 1,5

It's time for a movie review, you scrumptious lovelies..

I'll keep it short..

Patrik 1,5 is a Swedish movie, and just that got my hopes up. I'd seen a couple of posters and such promoting it, and for some reason I jumped to the conclusion that it was a Norwegian produced movie. I'm glad I was wrong, because Norwegian movies normally aren't much to brag about. There are exceptions, of course, perhaps like a pretty recent movie called Max Manus, but now I'm getting off topic.

In Sweden, it came out September, 2008, and about half a year later here in Norway. Somewhere along there it reached the USA as well, and it's available in most places.

So, the story takes place in a suburban, kind of rich neighborhood in Sweden. The gay couple, Göran and Sven, have just moved to a nice part of town together, and they're trying to adopt a child- start a family. Their application is accepted, and after some time, they get a letter telling them they're about to adopt Patrik, a 1 and a half year old baby boy.
Now here's the thing; Patrik isn't 1,5 years old, he' fifteen. He's a lost criminal teenager who's been back and fourth between foster families and orphanages.

The characters are well played, well written, and created with care; it's easy to see.
I felt the tention between the very insecure, drinking and smoking Sven with anger issues, and the lovable and kind Göran.
Their relationship's ground is tested with a troubled Patrik in the house, and I won't tell you much more.
Patrik is, not too surprisingly, a gentle soul underneath his anxiety and harsh shell. The only thing I felt was missing in him, is a bit more of the badboy side. I think he turned soft a little too quickly, knowing his rough past. Maybe that's how the movie flowed, I'm not sure.

I definitely recommend this.
The plot is both sweet and real, and the visual image is satisfying, I absolutely enjoyed it. I thought it would be too cliché and painted, but no, not so much. A little bit, maybe :p

Lators! :D

1 kommentar:

  1. Har lenge hatt lyst til å se den filmen, har aldri blitt noe av det. XD *må se må se*
