mandag 23. august 2010

New season, New school

Good day, there, lovelies <3

Today wasn't just another fall, (which is? Haha) this year I've started a semester at a new school!
Call me inexperienced or whatever, but I've gone to the same school for ten years! I still haven't really had anyone explain me the educational systems around the globe, but I'll compare mine to the IB (International Bachelorette) roll.

In Norway, there are ten years of obligatory education, kind of a basis. The first seven years are fun, golly good childish times. The next three are just a bit more serious, as a preparation for the next big step; vgs.
When we graduate from the tenth grade, we're 15/16, and I'm guessing the age is quite similar most places.
Theeeeen, we can choose what kind of education we want further- what schools and programs to enroll at vgs. You know, big life decisions.
In the IB, there's another year called pre-IB (11th grade), which would be the first year of our vgs. We can choose to go pre-IB, actually, because there's IB in Norway... Yeah.
And theeen, once you're done with either 3/4yrs of vgs or 2(+1)yrs of IB- either at home or abroad, there's UNIVERSITY!

..... 42
(I ADORE the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, I even have the original radio play.)

My first day of vgs was today, and it went all right. Medium. I bet it'll be a good year, I worked hard to get into my school x)
I'm all nervous because I'm spending the night with my new class at a camp site already in two days :O

Good luck with life and its decisions, and all that, everyone! :D

1 kommentar:

  1. Aaw, sounds like you got a nice school over there :)

    Have fun at the camp site btw! Goot chance to make some good first impressions you know ;D
