tirsdag 28. september 2010



I am SO exited for the new Glee season!
The show is supposedly stupid judged by what I say is good and bad TV when you look at it on the... outside. I think most TV is dumb. But still, it makes me all giddy and that reminds me- it's OK to be a fan of something kind of meaningless.
I'm only fifteen. Let me xD

Jane Lynch is too cool.

Rumor has it (but now another rumor says that because of the rumors that are out, it might not happen bla bla) that the cute new guy, Sam, will prolly be Kurt's boyfriend. THAT IS HOT ...she exclaimed shamelessly.
I bet they'll distract with something something something else first, but I'll hope.
I feel so silly, I might even make fanart. x)

GO WATCH! .. if you have nothing better to do.

1 kommentar:

  1. I WANT THEM TO GET TOGETHER! How is he straight? Blergh!
