fredag 24. september 2010

Whirled Up!

Shame on me, lovelies.

I'm being awful at updating.. anything. Apologies to those who read this blog and expect artsy stuff.. :( I have updated my deviantART here and there, though!
AND I feel really stupid for not having any of my own photos to post here, but that's because I have no camera at hand *reallyreallysadface* but! I'm gonna buy myself a Canon eos 1000D really soon, and I'm so exited!!! :D

You shall be mine, and I shall call you Sid, and you will be my Sid <3>

And now I think On The Roll sounds stupid (and so do you, I know you do), so I changed the name of my personal updates to 'Whirled Up.' It sounds even more goofy, but this blog IS called iWhirlwind...!
Want to know why it's called that? Again, you know you want to c:
My name resembles the Norwegian word for a whirlwind, and I'll have you know I was quite the hyper brat. So one of my first teachers began called me 'virvelvind' (=whirlwind)...
Interesting, yes :)

It is time for me to find myself a header, yes it is...

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