onsdag 26. januar 2011

Uhhmm that project

Lovely yous.
Hehehe. Yes. Continuisisisisssssstitiy is not my thing yet. Spelling neither, apparently.
With project 365, I will keep taking photos every day, but I might not post every single one, but that means I might also post more on a single day.
So you know. Back to normal, unresponsability'd, just with a promise of more picture posting.
Lalala I just spent four hours on a stupid analalaysisisises. And as a HEY I'LL TRY TO STAY BACKonmysillyegoblog, I present you Crême Bruléeeèe! (French spelling is even stupid-er, I don't know how I've done almost four years and not failing)
Okay, I lie. I'm a grammar nassi hypocrite, really.

Does it not look heavenly? It was. Very.

torsdag 6. januar 2011

Project 365: Infinite

Jan 6th, 2011

Skating with my dad and his girlfriend, we made an 8, or an infinite sign, however you look at it :p

Project 365: A little bit snowy

5th Jan, 2011

Auuurooooraaa! Because the snow was so preetty in her hairrr. SHE so pretty :D

tirsdag 4. januar 2011

Project 365: I Realize...

.... I am really. really. weird

Jan 4th, 2011

First day of school today, after christmas. When I leave this school, after just a year, I will remember the bathroom stalls. They're pink.


mandag 3. januar 2011

Project 365: West Side Story

Jan 3rd, 2011

I KNOW you're impressed with my amazing photo skills. And the blue editing. Uh-huh, I know you love it.

Being sick is no fun.
You're at least a little impressed that the lid for my litter is an LP record.

Project 365: Jan 2nd

Super blue crappy phone cam quality eye :D

It is meeeee :D
Haha, I love myself. Let me.

Project 365

Okay, Lovelies.

Last year I saw someone (that someone being Gutterface at Deviantart), doing the Project 365, and I was like: That is like totally cool and artistic and you know.. that! But. You know. Mid-year. You're supposed to start first of Jan. And then I saw it again today, and hey! Today is only the third, so I'll start today!
What it is? //Need structure and continuinity in blog posts. // Cannot spell continuini... bleh.
IT IIIS ME! (and YOU hopefully) taking a picture every single day for a year.This will make you a little aware of what you did every day for an entire year, which I'm convinced will give me insight and all that. AND! Just like drawing a little every day (which I don't do anymore because I'm stupid), it will improve my skiiiiills :D

Here's more info (<-- That's a link..)

Ok, so. I didn't take any the first if January because I had a heavy fever. That's right. No fireworks for me. Well. I'm kind of scared of them anyway.
But! I did take some the last day of December, so that'll be my back-up c:

Urrrhh, there were loads of things I wanted to take pictures of in that park, but I just didn't... :/