fredag 15. april 2011

More schoolwork I unload heeere

ERRR Hey Lovelies :)
So. Task was something about Macbeth, ambition, and how it's relative today. Uhm. lala

So happy, one could die.

About half a millennium ago, a certain playwright, William Shakespeare, wrote a play called Macbeth, about a nobleman who was prophesied to become king. Once the prophesy was fulfilled, Macbeth went out of his way to eliminate any threat to his throne, slowly bringing both himself and those around him to ruin and solitude, until he one day was killed because he had become reckless and over-confident. Macbeth. Ambition. Where’s the link? What is there to put in one’s pocket and carry home to our own lives from the play? Can ambition, and what it brings along, still be a relevant issue?

In Macbeth, ambition brought several people, in different ways, so far as to their deaths. The willpower to pursue a goal, affected by one’s insecurity, can scarily quickly lead to confusion and destructive obsessions. And when there’s no-one near who’s more dependable to take charge and care, things easily get out of hand. Macbeth stops listening to his consciousness and has people who could rather be of benefit to him assassinated, because they seem dangerous. However, he is a good man deep down, and the guilt mixed with the confusion forces him to become more or less insane. Today, there are also many people who start out with a pretty innocent wish, an ambition, which could have created profound features in both themselves and even in society. Yet, people are easily lead astray when challenges that appear are not properly taken care of. They begin carrying burdens, and shake up what could have been a truthful and strong fundament in their mentality.

How ambition can work minds today, is both visible and powerful. There are stories on the news, in books, and on the internet of people all over the world who succeed in their profession or passion (How genuine the passion is for the profession, and the other way around, might be discussable, but that’s beside the point.). To look at a known and stereotypical example, take a general business man, who’s clearly got the wheels working in his lifestyle. He’s got the house and car, and he’s got the wife and kids, which is what he said he wanted. When there are so many of these businessmen who take an extra step over the roof of their workplace, it is a little safe to say this is associated with ambition and what tags along it.

Most likely, Macbeth believes that if he and his successors become kings, life will be easier, they will be happy. Even the other noblemen and his friends, who turn into threats and fiends, probably think they would be happier as royalty. Perhaps the drive and force behind ambition is a strong sensation of being discontent with what currently is, and a desire to become happier. Don’t people today chase dreams and higher value deals, wanting satisfaction? What satisfaction is, what lies behind it, and what there is to be afraid of, is a whole other chapter, but does it not make sense, that the unauthentic and misguided contemplating and frustration along with the pursuit of happiness can cause devastation, even behind these fancy words?

Laalala. Trust me, I could go ON and ON and ON about what's more, what lies behind what, and lalala, but I had about 70mins to do this. And now it's there and I'm strange, and have to get used to putting opinions out thur, even if they're wrong, and lalala things can change. and lala. Getting feedback saying I'm wrong is good for me. Like bacon.



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