tirsdag 12. april 2011


Hey lovelies.

Now, Glee's on a few weeks' vacation, and there won't be an episode until next week, so I seize the chance to reminisce about a show that's only in its second season. Because even so, I do get the Oh my, time goes by so quickly -feeling. I miss the feel of the group completed of just weird, outside kids plus a jock who's in because he's blackmailed by the teacher, for false marijuana possession. And then the cheerleaders who're there only from the jelousy. I miss the frequent hair jokes from Sue, and I kind of miss Sue's not having a nice side at all. #Cutting off student's ponytail. And the more obvious stereotypes were fun. I miss sitting in my TINY loft, that smells like... an aired loft. Ever smelled a loft with open windows? Old, yet fresh. Dusty, yet grassy. ...and watch Glee each week, being very much in love with Kurt. I'm still very much in love with Kurt.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very exited about the joyful dynamic there is now, did I mention Kurt/Blaine? Yeah, there's no descending lately, in my enthusiasm for this show.
BUT it has made me wonder: Are American kids kinda dumb? Haha, I really really don't mean just that, buuuuuut just to keep stereotypes going. Glee is possibly making ignorant impressions in my head here. Because, really, no sex ed until high school? Some scenes in 'Blame It On the Alcohol' and 'Sexy' made me think they'd fit better in a show with younger, younger kids. Or maybe that's TV in general, the stupidifying effect.
Not such a great photo, because it's actually only two inches or a little more tall in teh real laif, and it's part of a bigger photo, so. Uhm, made it late last year. Hihi, he's grown about four inches since he started the show xD


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