søndag 10. januar 2010

aMy drawing is in the newspapermagazinething : D


Today is the day in which I'm handing in my drawing for a newspaper's week-end magazine. :) It's an illustration to some psy-something, YAY. My Aunt who works in the paper got m
e the job. Hail her! :)
Honest, I'm not sure I like it all that much, I feel I've done better and can do better, but hell, it turned our alright :)
I'll post it on dA later on.
I now have a scanner at hand.!! Hello, traditional-turned-into-digital art!
(my Deviantart; http://nivlliv123.deviantart.com/)

This week-end has felt like a vacation, it's gone really fast and really slowly at the same time.. know what I mean?
Oh well.

I'm going to the Canary Islands for winter vacation! :D Aren't I special?

Sugar Rush

It's a really great show, you should all see it if you haveeen't : D (unless you're homophobic, then you can just sod off >P)

Till tomorrow! <3

twitter; http://twitter.com/LordPeculiar

lørdag 9. januar 2010


My iPhone is epic : D
It's all screwed up, actually, my Dad's lost it in the toilet once ._. ('tis was squeaky clean!!)
But it works, somewhat. And it has a camera! 8D
So now y'all know where most of my pictures on this screwed up blog comes from. The toilet.

I'm knitting a rainbow hat atm, to wear at the gay parade in June. I'm making loads
more of them, if I get
time, for whoever
wants them : D
Would you be interested
in buying one if the price wasn't dreadful ?
I think this one doesn't look good, but the next ones will. x)

I'm living with a hairdresser : D I'll post some pictures and shit tomorrow. Her name is Line, and she's my
Dad's Girlfriend's daughter. Kinda like a step-sister!
She's awesome, hail her and her powers.
She did my hair only days ago, and finally, my McGuyver neck was gone! xD
(Do not misunderstand me, McGuyver is the shit.)
This is my hair form the back.
Oh, my Photoshop Quickie powers fail. xD

I reaslized I have the coolest towel ever. No exceptions, you can't compete.
It's a HARRY POTTER and the philosopher's stone towel. Illustration not from the movie, but inspired from actual novel! : D

I've been writing a little bit, finally--! I'm so drained of inspiration ,___.

Most stuff about my art will be up in my journal at dA,


tirsdag 5. januar 2010

Painting and Cosplay ;)



I'm cosplaying 8D
Togother with a friend of mine, we're starring as Hitachiin Kaouru&Hikaru!
(Ouran High School Host Club..... duh. ._.)
I'm getting a haircut, n I hope it won't ruin it ;_; if it will, I'll get a wig... expensive *panic*
right. I'm going to sew the two blue jackets
, pants are easy to find.
Sewing tips please? xD srsly, I'd highly appreaciate it!!

I'm painting! :D
At school... ._. I just don't seem to have time to do it at home. Started ou
t a bit before christmas, and I have one lesson remaining to finish it.
The task was taking a picture, printing it, drawing little squares on the print, paint a wooden canvas white, draw replicating squares only larger, at the canvas. And theeen... start paintin' bitch >D
We're doing it with a hint of abstract (don't I sound schmart?), and we HAVE TO be inspired by this lady, Kira Wager, because my teachers are deadly in love with her and her works. Yah.
I'm almost done ^^
Shamelessly showing the world my progress. xD ;

This is the original Image I'm using. :D
It's taken on my iPhone, and the print was..
Interesting. xD It had weird coloured spots
all over, but that just made it more fin to paint 8D

I'm an art geek. I know.


This is as far as I've gotten yet..
Messy, eh? :)

Hints? I've got to finish it very soon, so spam me! :D

Ask me a question or ten :)

.... So I have something to fill the next blog with! xD

mandag 4. januar 2010

First Blog, Yay :D

(: Hey People :)

With enough peruading from friends, I've started a blog-yahyah!
Watch out, it's gonna be RAD xD

... right.

Well, I'm a cheerful girl, hope y'all dare to say hi :)
I'm watching futurama :D
I'll be answering all kinds of stuff you ask me, just comment loads of questions! Spam me ;)

Till next time, when I'll actually start,