onsdag 29. september 2010

Skye - Love Show

My Lovelies..

.. this is an absolutely brilliant and beautiful song. It's been in my heart for a long time c:
listeeen to iiiiiit!

tirsdag 28. september 2010



I am SO exited for the new Glee season!
The show is supposedly stupid judged by what I say is good and bad TV when you look at it on the... outside. I think most TV is dumb. But still, it makes me all giddy and that reminds me- it's OK to be a fan of something kind of meaningless.
I'm only fifteen. Let me xD

Jane Lynch is too cool.

Rumor has it (but now another rumor says that because of the rumors that are out, it might not happen bla bla) that the cute new guy, Sam, will prolly be Kurt's boyfriend. THAT IS HOT ...she exclaimed shamelessly.
I bet they'll distract with something something something else first, but I'll hope.
I feel so silly, I might even make fanart. x)

GO WATCH! .. if you have nothing better to do.


Hey Lovelies.

A week ago, I tried out for the school comedy play thing (revy), it's pretty big deal there. Acting is SO MUCH FUN.
I, together with two of my new friends from my new new new school did a little Harry Potter sketch c:
I was Draco Malfoy, and I bet I rocked, hihi.

BUT. Today I decided not to go to the second audition (which was today).
I have to prioritize.
Being a part of the play would give me absence from classes, and little time for school work. I've signed up for quite a challenging program, so there's already a lot to do, and I know with myself that I lack self-disciplin.
So, performing on stage this year isn't worth it.
My dream is to get into IB in GB, not a school play. :)

Have you had to make decisions and sacrifices about the future and all that hassle?


søndag 26. september 2010

Good Morning :)

My sunshine Lovelies

Oh, the 70's :D

September 26th 2010!

Hey, Lovelies-
I bet you don't know what day it is today.

What happened on this date? ê_o
Jet Man happened, that's what!
Yves Rossy is Swiss, which already makes him kind of appealing. He's a pilot, an inventor, and an aviation enthusiast. Really, that has got to be the hippest title set on anyone.

The 26th of September, 2008, he flew across the English Channel with jetpack wings! Does it get cooler?
I think he looks a little like Buzz Lightyear c:

I have new hobby now, I think: Coming up with incredible titles.
Can you think of an entertaining one? :D


I know you're bored..

is seriously one of the coolest webcomics. Link

fredag 24. september 2010


Dear lovelies, I know you love 90's music.

I thought I'd share some music with you, in case you're as bored as I am c:

The superdupermegacool band is called Garbage, and they have trippy, lovely music videos


Whirled Up!

Shame on me, lovelies.

I'm being awful at updating.. anything. Apologies to those who read this blog and expect artsy stuff.. :( I have updated my deviantART here and there, though!
AND I feel really stupid for not having any of my own photos to post here, but that's because I have no camera at hand *reallyreallysadface* but! I'm gonna buy myself a Canon eos 1000D really soon, and I'm so exited!!! :D

You shall be mine, and I shall call you Sid, and you will be my Sid <3>

And now I think On The Roll sounds stupid (and so do you, I know you do), so I changed the name of my personal updates to 'Whirled Up.' It sounds even more goofy, but this blog IS called iWhirlwind...!
Want to know why it's called that? Again, you know you want to c:
My name resembles the Norwegian word for a whirlwind, and I'll have you know I was quite the hyper brat. So one of my first teachers began called me 'virvelvind' (=whirlwind)...
Interesting, yes :)

It is time for me to find myself a header, yes it is...

lørdag 11. september 2010

The Gregorian Calendar! Gerald Stano

Lovelies! DID YOU KNOW?

... that the calendar I, and quite a lot of you use, is called the Gregorian Calendar? The one with 365 (366) days, and the twelve months and the one that's far out in number 2010?
Well, it has dates. Dates can have special meaning, and dates can be insignificant to some. Dates begin and end at different times- depending on where you happen to be on the great Mother Earth. Dates can end with babies.

Look! September feel or what? Image is from here, from this awesome artist.

As for the time in my little loft, I'm posting this the 12th of September, the 9th month of 2010. And I'll tell you something that's happened on this day of the year some other year before!
I'm going to tell you all about a lot of dates and happenings! Each day I post an entry, I'll tell you something special about that day c:
And to start off the tradition with a BANG!, I give you the birth of an American serial killer.
Have a blast.

Don't he look nice?

Gerald Stano was born the 12th of September, 1951. His mother couldn't take care of him, and the doctors were skeptical to letting him be adopted, seeing that he at the age of six months ate his own feces. Because he was starving, of course.
He was adopted anyhow, by a nurse who took good care of him. As a child he was difficult and troubled.
He admitted to have started killing in his early 20's, but might've begun the acts even earlier. By the time he was getting close to 30, he was sent to prison for murdering 41 women. 41... He spent the rest of his life there, until he was 46 (1998), and was executed in the electrical chair.
A book was released in 1993, about his life and crimes, called 'Blind Fury'.
Here's more about him if you're interested.


onsdag 8. september 2010

On The Roll #1

I'm only nearly failing this blog, Lovelies,

not entirely.
Most of this post is bull, but it's funny bull, so read on. you know you want to

Because I've spent all my money on what-nots, I won't be able to tell you all about the lovely movie releases on the big screens down town, but I can still keep reminding you of older, yet great titles.
Oh, don't I feel important? :D

Now's not the time for a movie review! Duh.
No. Now, the time has come for something far greater: On The Roll-show!
No, just On The Roll sounds better- I'm getting, if possible, even more stuck up here, I think.
What it is? Pssh. You know want to know.
Really, It's a fancy name for some not always as afncy updates regarding my life on our Earth.
On the Roll. This is. How. I. Roll.

Okay, here goes- a tad more seriously, if you can believe that, hehe.
Today, my friend leaves to England, she's going to school there the next year. She's a year older than me, and I'll do the same thing next year. I'll get into IB in the south of England. I just have to get good enough grades and consult and bla bla bla. Nerves!! I know some people who've taken the exchange year in the USA, and some who're staying in France for all three years. The possibilities that lay in my hands! AH!
Again, nerves!

And, if you have the slightest interest for the state of our planet's environment, I suggest you check out this movie, called 'Home': DO IT!
Did they launch it in the theatres? No! Did they make for the money? I see no money.

... I feel mean now. Both for posting with no pictures, and for no movie review. I'll get you one later today, promise! :D
