søndag 31. oktober 2010

Sweet Transvestite -

Heij, my lovely transvestites. (I know you all are)

You know what? I think the Glee cast does a great job performing songs. Although I admit to getting fired up about horrible covers by my taste, we all have our piece of cake. The originals are still there. It's not worth sweating. Besides, it tends even to direct attention towards the original! :)

And, as for a girl doing a male transvestite's song- I think that's brave too. Defies gender roles, that also.

This is the first time I'm introduced to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I'd love to see both the play and the movie. I've only recently gotten into musicals, and I adore them c:
Did you know that the RHPS has run longer in the movies than any other movie?


torsdag 28. oktober 2010

Harry Potter Queue Update #4 - Hubbah.

This is Hubbah.
Hubbah was born the 18th (?)of June 2007. Soy sauce, Wassabi, and Love.

Harry Potter Queue Update #3

Shieeeit, I just failed a test :(

Some people from the newspaper VG came over to quiz us. Almost no-one wanted to, so I volunteered, haha. I sucked. First of all, I've forgotten most shit and details, and they asked for Norwegian names :( Oh well, now there's a clip of me being dumb on the internet :D

Early today, Aurora, Jeanett, Karl-Erik and the early people I don' t know were interviewed by msn.com. :) Video.
Phix was too busy gaming. Really.

Trash cans can be sat on.

Hrello Hrello

Quiz peeeeeeoooooooooooople :D

Phix is tho thexy.

We found a dog! :D
Quiz peeeople #2, Karl-Erik.


Harry Potter Queue Update #2

Hey Lovely Harry Potter fans (I'm assuming you all are)! :D

Left to right: My awesome face, Aurora's awesome face, Hubbah (the gross thing she's holding), Jeanett's awesome face, and the awesome list.

Quite a few people have arrived already, and my peeps keep track. In such a magical (geddit, geddit? 8D) queue as this, there are rules, although I believe they are very close to any other premiere line:

1) When you arrive, you're registered in the list, and given a queue number.
2) Only Aurora Bertheussen can write on the list. In her absence, members of her tent are can also write on it.
3) To keep your spot in the line, you can only be absent from the premises for an hour at a time, and you must announce your going away if you're gonna be gone for more than a few minutes.
4) You can keep a spot for someone else, as long as there is someone present in place of the future ticket holder.
5) No smoking in the sitting areas.
6) No sex in Aurora's tent.

Aurora is #2 in line, which gives her authority in some way, and she is very, very bitter about her not having the first spot, but in a happy way.

Hubbah's up next 8D

Harry Potter Queue Update #1

Guess where I'm sleeping tonight, lovelies?
Outside the cinema, that's right :D

Tomorrow morning, at 7.3o they start selling tickets for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part 1. Have I ever mentioned I'm a HUGE HARRY POTTER FAN? :D
hiiiihihihhi, I'm psyched!

Yesterday I went over to my friends who were already there, sleeping there a night more than I am.

The poster is all wrong, the movie people are slow :( By the way, the poster up there is for the Norwegian Scary movie called 'Fritt Vilt 3' ('Cold Prey 3').

Apparently, my friend Aurora has friends beside me. :1
Here's Jeanett, and here's her blog.

Another stupid non-HP poster :(
Left to right: Karl Erik, Jeanett, Aurora, and Agnes, who we met there :D

Latorrs! :D And wish me luck, IT'S GOING TO BE COLD.

søndag 24. oktober 2010

Glasses, Glasses, Glasses.

Helloo Lovelies!

My vision is far from perfect. In August I began a 30 day drawing challenge, and I'm still working on it. I know, I suck.
Anyways, I thought I could start posting the challenge entries on here as well as on my deviantArt :)

I love Photoshop so much.
Day 12 - Most Recent Accomplishment.

onsdag 20. oktober 2010

More Purple ♥

dA has turned purple, and it will be until friday :)
Both images by Gutterface.

Today, I wear purple

for the suicides.

torsdag 14. oktober 2010

Justin Bieber Look-Alike?

Hi, Lovelies.

I think my posts are getting less and less serious, haha. I'll give you something with weight another time :p

For... a year, perhaps, I've been told I look like Justin Bieber. OH MY OH MY
I have to clarify- I had the hair first. He's copying me. And now that I'm getting a longer style, guess who's doing the same? Exactly.
In all my stubbornness regarding my hair, my classmates in tenth grade (last year), greeting me each day with something along "Mornin' Bieber!' Good times, good times.
But now I'll grow it really long so I can get an afrooo! And please. I'll get my hair into a fro, even though my hair's Nordic. >:P

Just to prove it, here's a photo my bestfriend Skitz (her blog) took of me at a concert; it's pretty dark.

With all this said, I don't mind him. He's my age, even, and I'd be an idiot to mock a fifteen/sixteen yr old who's gotten so successful for his music without being a slut, excuse the word. I don't like his music, I'll tell you that, but good for him, being all over MTV. I've had dreams like that :)

onsdag 13. oktober 2010

Man Up!

Hey Lovelies!

This must be the laziest photoshop I've ever done XD

Today is the International Suit Up Day! :D
For the occasion, I dug out something from my closet, because I was just reminded today. I actually have an old orchestra kind of tuxedo from my great-grandpa, you know the ones with the long, split back? Something like this. But I've put that up in the attic. Oh well.
Did you suit up today? :D

A Favourite Song


I had to listen to it a few times before it got to me.

Youtube ?

Hey, Lovelies
Any of you on youtube?
For quite a while, I've had a small ambition of starting up a youtube channel and do the stuff you do there, haha.
I want to make videos. I want to make little video stories. Aaand, for the future, working with movies is a dream of mine c:
I'm stuffed till tops with opinions. I made this blog in order to express those (, and to write about anything else).
So why not youtube?
Plans, plans, plans, plans...

søndag 10. oktober 2010

You Hear Bullshit

My lovelies.

You are brilliant, powerful and happy.
Your television lies.

lørdag 9. oktober 2010

October 9th, 2010

Hello Hello, Lovelies!

Aplogies for no entries. No excuses, I've simply been a lazy bum.

So what did happen this day ? Hit me, Wikipedia!

Oh my, it's Uganda's independence day!
Woohoo! In 1962, they were commonwealth members no more. Congratulations, Ugandan people!

Uganda's flag :D
I feel just as sick as you do seeing the horrible picture quality, I cannot wait until I get my Canon 1000D
... The internet still has scary monsters, hence the shades. c:

I've had three presentations in school about the commonwealth of nations, one of them my oral english exam. I got top score, hihi.
So shoot! Q's about the commonwealth. Gimme, gimme! (:

I'm posting this a day late, because I hadn't my computer, but eh.