torsdag 26. august 2010

Fish Tank

Hej, lovelies :)

I may watch too many movies than what's healthy for a teenage mind, but I see an upside: More movie reviews for you! :D
Besides, I want to make movies someday as well. :D

Fish Tank is an English coming of age film, and I enjoyed it a lot more than most movies about teenage girls growing up. This is not a cheerleading wannabe's dramatized diary, hooray!

Mia is 15 years old and life goes by depressingly in the little apartment with her mother who's more concerned about men and drinking than anything else, and her little sister who's smoking and acting cheap and dumb already. (She's somewhere around 11, I think.)
Mia has found a deserted flat, and she uses it for dancing by herself. She's quit school, and seemingly she has no real friends. Her amateur dancing is one out of few things to hold onto- an ambition.
For the first time, her mother finds herself a boyfriend actually interested in Mia and what she does; Connor seems great, and he is kind, but of course, he holds secrets. Let me tell you that there is serious tention between Mia and Connor- they are awkward.
Mia finds a boyfriend amongst some guys she tried to rescue a horse from, and she's about to enter a dance contest. Life's getting better, but some things aren't for her. Here begins the darker drama.
Enjoy it.

This film has gotten several awards, and from some opinions on it, I think it might be a little overrated, I'm not sure.
It has discreetly been with me and on my mind for a week, so I'd say it was definitely worth watching! :)

More movies lator ;D
(Did any of you notice at what time I posted the previous blogpost? hihihihihi)

mandag 23. august 2010

New season, New school

Good day, there, lovelies <3

Today wasn't just another fall, (which is? Haha) this year I've started a semester at a new school!
Call me inexperienced or whatever, but I've gone to the same school for ten years! I still haven't really had anyone explain me the educational systems around the globe, but I'll compare mine to the IB (International Bachelorette) roll.

In Norway, there are ten years of obligatory education, kind of a basis. The first seven years are fun, golly good childish times. The next three are just a bit more serious, as a preparation for the next big step; vgs.
When we graduate from the tenth grade, we're 15/16, and I'm guessing the age is quite similar most places.
Theeeeen, we can choose what kind of education we want further- what schools and programs to enroll at vgs. You know, big life decisions.
In the IB, there's another year called pre-IB (11th grade), which would be the first year of our vgs. We can choose to go pre-IB, actually, because there's IB in Norway... Yeah.
And theeen, once you're done with either 3/4yrs of vgs or 2(+1)yrs of IB- either at home or abroad, there's UNIVERSITY!

..... 42
(I ADORE the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, I even have the original radio play.)

My first day of vgs was today, and it went all right. Medium. I bet it'll be a good year, I worked hard to get into my school x)
I'm all nervous because I'm spending the night with my new class at a camp site already in two days :O

Good luck with life and its decisions, and all that, everyone! :D

søndag 22. august 2010

Patrik 1,5

It's time for a movie review, you scrumptious lovelies..

I'll keep it short..

Patrik 1,5 is a Swedish movie, and just that got my hopes up. I'd seen a couple of posters and such promoting it, and for some reason I jumped to the conclusion that it was a Norwegian produced movie. I'm glad I was wrong, because Norwegian movies normally aren't much to brag about. There are exceptions, of course, perhaps like a pretty recent movie called Max Manus, but now I'm getting off topic.

In Sweden, it came out September, 2008, and about half a year later here in Norway. Somewhere along there it reached the USA as well, and it's available in most places.

So, the story takes place in a suburban, kind of rich neighborhood in Sweden. The gay couple, Göran and Sven, have just moved to a nice part of town together, and they're trying to adopt a child- start a family. Their application is accepted, and after some time, they get a letter telling them they're about to adopt Patrik, a 1 and a half year old baby boy.
Now here's the thing; Patrik isn't 1,5 years old, he' fifteen. He's a lost criminal teenager who's been back and fourth between foster families and orphanages.

The characters are well played, well written, and created with care; it's easy to see.
I felt the tention between the very insecure, drinking and smoking Sven with anger issues, and the lovable and kind Göran.
Their relationship's ground is tested with a troubled Patrik in the house, and I won't tell you much more.
Patrik is, not too surprisingly, a gentle soul underneath his anxiety and harsh shell. The only thing I felt was missing in him, is a bit more of the badboy side. I think he turned soft a little too quickly, knowing his rough past. Maybe that's how the movie flowed, I'm not sure.

I definitely recommend this.
The plot is both sweet and real, and the visual image is satisfying, I absolutely enjoyed it. I thought it would be too cliché and painted, but no, not so much. A little bit, maybe :p

Lators! :D

lørdag 21. august 2010

Great New Band!

Look out, lovelies!


Megative is a really cool band, and I happen to know the drummer, haha!
CHECK THEM OUT, it is definitely worth it! :)
They just performed at a pretty big festival in Oslo called Øya, and I bet they rocked! I didn't get to see them, I feel like a traitor :(




Didn't see you behind all that life, lovelies... c:

I haven't posted for more than a week, and I really want to keep this blog up..
I'll fill you in with excuses, so read on if you're interested.

I've been to AiCon, a small anime+ convention themed yaoi & yuri.
(Gay and lesbian manga&anime. Actually, the terms are supposedly referring only to the porn genres, but they're overkilled and is sadly used even to define someone's sexuality. I don't like language being 'abused', and especially not to the point where the meaning of words and phrases are undefined, but hell, that is, I suppose, how language developes.)
It was a lot of fun; must've been the best con I've experienced, not that I've been to that many, hehe. I've met some really entertaining people, and gotten closer to some I already know, and that's great 8D hooray!
I dressed up in everything I could find that had the Union Jack on, which is quite a lot, haha!
... And my precious bowler hat :)

London souvenir shops, yay!

The crew form AiCon made a Twilight parody video! It is HILARIOUS- if you understand Norwegian. You might as well watch it even if you don't :p

I have also been to camp for five days! :D
I'm a minileader for the 14/15 year-olds who're getting confirmed this fall.
Now, as to religion, I'm NOWHERE CLOSE to being certain.. about anything. I'd love to write about it all, but not now. I'll just have an excuse for something to blog about later c:
Being there was a lot of fun, as these kids were being a lot nicer than the last year (my year, haha). The crew's full of great people, and I met some really interesting personalities :)
Aaaaand there was a drumset there because of the band! :D I hadn't realised how much I missed playing drums until I got on it then. I played for a few months, around three months ago, and I LOVED it. I hope there's room for me next semester's course :D

I'm a beginner, but I LOVE playing already :)

Did I mention I saw 6 movies in four days?
MovieReviewBlogs will be up soon ;D


fredag 13. august 2010

Babysitting accomplished!

WAZAAAAAP, Loveliies?!

I didn't fall asleep until 4 this morning, and so I slept for too long- plans to meet people. Sigh. Teenagers these days. :)
I've been at my friend's house all day, and caused by HEAVY summer rain, the day revolved around movies for the most part. Weee saaaaaaw... Tropic Thunder, because I'd never seen it, aaaand Scary Movie & Scary Movie 2, since she hadn't seen those.

Tropic Thunder was very entertaining, believe me. It's light-weight, consistent and funny. The cast is talented, and I enjoyed it. :D However, I'd been told too many kind words regarding it, I think, and I wasn't left impressed. Worth watching if you want something simlple and kind of stupid. :)

Now, the Scary Movies, I've had a love for since early school; especially the first two.
Every Halloween, every other sleepover. Everyone had seen it before our parents allowed us, everyone enjoyed it- and we only understood half of the jokes. x)
Seeing them over again today brought back so many memories!
They're rude, kind of cheap, hilarious, and you're destined to know something they're doing a parody of.
They're both hilarious and gross, but I hadn't realized how much I missed them :D

My friend and I are going to run and see the Swedish chick safely off onto the bus back east. Stockholm is kind of far! :O

Here you go, bored one: Two songs I've had in my head for months! :D Faithless - Buddha Bar & Insomnia

Latorrs! <3

torsdag 12. august 2010

Babysitting WHO?

Hey Loveliiies <3

I'm stuck in the 30 day drawing challenge - at day seven. >:,(
I'm supposed to draw from my favorite movie, but I CANNOT CHOSE. Life is so hard ;_; heheh. There are so many brilliant fims! *faint*

Kick Ass (I REALLY want his costume!)

Tooodaaayy.... I met up with a friend who knows everyone we see at this one spot. No, really. So I met new people, I even kind of got hit on, hee hee.

And I have revealed to the nerdiest, but great and kind, mind you!, people I know, that I own no knowledge within card games. Card games like Magik and such. NO IDEA. I've known people who play for years, and I've been quite a geek for even longer, but the games.. I'm clueless. There, I'm out. I've never even touched WoW.

Nevertheless, I love LotR, I absorbed the basis of my english through the Harry Potter books, and I adore Star Wars. I go to conventions. So there. c:

Speaking of which! This Saturday I'm attending AiCon, a smaller kind of Con, mainly focusing on gay and lesbian comics. (Most of all japanese manga.) I have no costume this time, I just cannot be bothered, and my wallet's tight.
I have some fancy clothing, however.

Tomorrow I'm babysitting a friend, haha! She is in fact, a friend of a friend, and I only met her today for the first time. But she is awesome 8D
She's Swedish, and visiting my friend here in Norway, but as it happens, my friend's going to a funeral, and it'd be boring for a Swede all alone here.

That's almost typed offensively, because it is an old Norwegian tradition to treat Swedes like idiots. Heh.
That's what you get for taking over our country for generations! >O
The viking kings of Scandinavia have actually been chopping each other's heads off since anyone can date. So really; no hard feelings truly.

If you're into Scandinavian history and relations or if you simply want a great laugh- check out Humon's comics at DeviantArt!! It is absolutely worth it :D

Vacation is almost over D:


mandag 9. august 2010

Movie Geek


I. Love. Movies. I love them, I absorb them, I can't wait for the ones to come, and I can't wait to make some. To write/direct/develop/whatever movies is one of my dreams.
Did you know that one of the space objects in The Empire Strikes Back was a potato? Yeyah!

I'm headed out to see Inception in just a few hours, I hope it's as good as people have preached.
Speaking of good movies, I saw Precious yesterday, and I was left feeling depressed the rest of the day. Brilliant film, I absolutely recommend it :D
I also command you to watch Requiem For A Dream. Beautiful, creative and stays with you. Soundtrack.
I've got to run, I'm late as always,
Latorrs ;D

fredag 6. august 2010

Oslo YAH 8D

Hullooo Lovelies :)

Being home feels gooood 8)
Note! Security people at Heathrow may steal the coins you leave exposed in the box going through security.

I've started watching Weeds, and I love it so far :D
Here's a picture, because I feel generous.

Seagulls. On car roofs.

Taken in a town called Rye.

AND CHECK OUT THIS GUY- HILARIOUS! Japanese people are too cool :)

Lators ;D

torsdag 5. august 2010

Not a Llama

Hey there, Lovelies <3

Tomorrow is my last day in London, ain't it sad?
Stereotypically enough, I've spent this day out shopping, at wh
at's supposed to be Europe's next megamall. Or something. It's true that it's big. I'm going back there tomorrow :B

Know what I've gotten myself in a day of only shopping?
That's it. 'Cept some sweets, but hell, I brush my teeth c:
I've been in England for twelve days, and I have bought naught save one piece of clothing. A hat from the salv
ation army. Good cause, no?
And I loved the British Science Museum- mostly it's bookshop, though.
Stereotypical still?

Some sheet I've bought. 'Cept for gifts, can't show them ;)

The solely amusing event of this trip has been the visit to my far f
amily's Alpaca farm.
Alpacas are seriously adorable, and no doubt intelligent. Aand, I've greatly missed the South-English countryside. :)
And I've been to Brighton! Gayest city I've ever been to! :D I'll prolly enjoy it even more if I return once I'm not underage. And with friends, not the closest female family. Mum, yes.

I hope everyone's enjoying their summer. it's worth trying. :)
And because without, the post would look dull- here are pictures--

Hullo there ;D Alpaca in the front is a pretty girl called Philly <3

This chick is in front of Buckingham Palace :F

Latorrss ;D

30 day drawing challenge

Hullo Lovelies

Inisen got me into this drawing challenge, where each day is themed differently.

And I have to draw EVERY DAY D:
And I will, but the internet connection is limited, so I might not be able to post every day. :(
I'll post it all on my DeviantArt ;)

tirsdag 3. august 2010



Still in London, yes I am. :)
I've begun this 30 day drawing challenge- is loads of fun :D Check it out here... ?:
And check out my friend's entries, she rocks:

Here's a picture of British police in front of the Buckingham Palace.
It's funny because the woman has a gun. :L
lol sexism.
.. not funny. no-no.
latorrsss. : D

mandag 2. august 2010

Blogging again?

It's gone half a year since I last blogged already! What a carry-on.
I'm not dead, I ain't.

For now, I can tell you that I am in London, and enjoying myself. :) Once I get home, I'll have nothing better to do than blog. ('Cept stuff I'm supposed to do, but hell, I'm 15)
I'll try to keep it interesting, I really will :)
Look forward to it! <3

Hammersmith is lovely :)